Alesco-PharmaNutra Merger: from July 2024, Alesco will become a business division of the Group

As of this month, Alesco will abandon its company name and become to all intents and purposes a business division of the PharmaNutra S.p.A. Group, of which it is already a wholly owned subsidiary, as a result of the merger by incorporation approved in February 2024 by the Board of Directors. 

Founded in 2000 as a distributor of raw materials and third-party active ingredients of high scientific value, Alesco then embarked on a process of developing proprietary functional ingredients, culminating in the development of Sucrosomial® Technology which, in less than a decade, has revolutionised the field of martial therapies and mineral-based supplements. 

 Alesco’s evolution then continued along a twin track: on the one hand, the supply of functional ingredients and raw materials to the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and food industries. On the other, the study, formulation and research of effective and innovative micronutrients and macronutrients, thanks to which PharmaNutra-branded finished products have rapidly found commercial success in Italy and abroad. 

 The merger by incorporation of the long-established company is part of a broader reorganisation project of the PharmaNutra Group and aims to pursue greater management efficiency, allowing the development of significant synergies in order to optimise business processes. The reorganisation is also intended to unify and integrate operational processes, ensuring greater flexibility and efficiency in the use of resources,” commented Carlo Volpi, COO of the Group and President of the now former Alesco S.r.l. “Faithful to the principles that have always guided the business over the past 24 years, we will continue to produce and distribute high-quality functional ingredients, as well as represent our partners’ brands, including Atura, Marigot, Polaris and many others, across Italy. From a business point of view, absolute continuity will be guaranteed, while the Alesco brand’s commitment to research and development will be even greater, thanks to the merger with PharmaNutra. 

 In terms of commercial activity, therefore, the new Alesco business unit will continue to exist and distribute proprietary and third-party functional ingredients, as well as being responsible for the development and quality control of all raw materials produced in the PharmaNutra Group’s new chemical-pharmaceutical hub, which opened in October 2023.