Managing stress and sleep disorders: causes, effects, benefits of Lactium®

Stress is a term with many implications: while “positive” stress helps motivate us to perform at our best in challenging situations, constant stress leads to a general sense of discomfort and malaise. When faced with increasing external pressures, the body goes into survival mode, adapting through natural physiological reactions. It secretes stress hormones, the levels of which vary from person to person, resulting in different symptoms for each individual.

Stress can manifest in various forms, which are often initially difficult to recognise, such as mild fatigue, insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, stomach aches, and headaches. Amongst these, sleep quality is one of the most crucial factors influencing health and daily life. A good night’s rest allows the body to recharge, enhances cognitive abilities, and regulates metabolic and immune functions

Ignoring the risks associated with insomnia can worsen various health aspects, leading to irritability, nervous hunger, dyspnoea, excessive sweating, lack of motivation, intestinal problems, and difficulties with concentration and memory.

These symptoms are the body’s way of signalling increasing emotional tension. If you experience one or more of these signs, it’s time to act, as they can pose significant long-term health risks.

Lactium®, the natural solution to stress and sleep disorders


Lactium® is the natural functional solution to effectively managing stress, anxiety and sleep disorders. It is a milk protein hydrolysate containing a bioactive decapeptide with natural relaxing properties. This decapeptide, also called α-casozepine (S1-Cn) originates from the trypsin hydrolysis of α S1 casein, the main protein found in milk.

Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of Lactium® in reducing stress and the time taken to fall asleep, as well as improving sleep quality, through various physiological markers (blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol levels) and the visual analogue scale of perceived stress.

Lactium® is therefore a 100% natural and patented bioactive ingredient, suitable for inclusion in supplements formulated to reduce stress-related symptoms and promote better sleep, without causing drowsiness, dependency, memory loss or sedation.

PharmaNutra, through its Alesco division dedicated to research, development, production, and distribution of raw materials and functional ingredients, is the distributor in Italy, having recognised Lactium® as an innovative raw material, backed by scientific evidence confirming its effectiveness, quality, and absence of undesirable effects.