UltraJoint: what it is and how it helps to maintain cartilage and joint health 

Joint pain can result from abnormalities in the joint itself, bone structures or surrounding ligaments, tendons, bursae or soft parts. It is also one of the most troublesome consequences of cartilage degeneration originating from trauma, fractures, sprains, inflammation or physiological ageing. The result, in addition to pain, is a stiffening of the joint, combined with motor difficulties, weakness and fatigue.  

The well-being of joints and cartilage depends first and foremost on the relationship between a healthy, active lifestyle and a balanced diet. In addition to taking regular exercise, alternating it with rest, it is essential to follow a balanced diet. It is indeed scientifically proven that the health of the entire musculoskeletal system benefits from a balanced diet that includes sources of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. In particular, a sufficient protein intake is a prerequisite for bone and joint maintenance, along with vitamin D, vitamin C and calcium. 

Glucosamine is also essential for the well-being of bones and joints, as it is a building block for joint cartilage and synovial fluid. The intake of glucosamine helps strengthen joints by helping to preserve the structure and elasticity of cartilage. 

This key micronutrient combats inflammation and joint deterioration caused not only by temporary inflammation but also by conditions like osteoarthritis and arthritis, where cartilage thinning or even tearing occurs. 


UltraJoint®: plant-based glucosamine 


UltraJoint® by Alesco Laboratories is a sophisticated formulation featuring plant-based glucosamine, designed to support bone and joint health. This powerful ingredient not only provides anti-inflammatory benefits but also helps reduce and alleviate joint pain by promoting the restoration of cartilage and synovial fluid. 

UltraJoint® boasts a high concentration of glucosamine (83%) and is entirely plant-based, ensuring it is free from crustacean and shellfish allergens. This makes it suitable for all dietary supplement formats, including vegan and vegetarian diets.